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Jan 30, 2017

There's something undeniable about singer-songwriter James Tillman's falsetto; it's the soulful hinge that swings his incredible Silk Noise Reflex album. Plaintive vocals that are unhurried but deceptively so because there's always a knowing backbone present. The D.C. native's full-length debut was executive-produced...

Jan 21, 2017

Some of us were born with a love for pop music that runs a mile deep and candy-sweet. Some of us run from it, deny it. Keeping in mind that the definition of pop has a wide enough chasm to fit both the Beatles and Beyoncé. But for the ones who can't hide our devotion, whether as a fan or in the case of singer...

Jan 11, 2017

To call Brooklyn-based MICK a DJ isn't wrong; it's simply an incomplete description. Accurate, but ultimately a term that's slight. Nonetheless, his accomplishments as a DJ loom large and his selection of sounds cover the waterfront with hip-hop often at the foundation while still leaving space for house, rock and jazz....