Nov 2, 2021
In 1996 filmmaker Stephen Kijak released his debut narrative film, Never Met Picasso. 25 years later he returns to the genre with his homage to The Smiths, Shoplifters of the World. Set in Denver, Shoplifters follows a group of friends mourning the 1987 breakup of the British group, while another friend holds a local...
Aug 5, 2021
Black Diamond Queens, the second book from Maureen Mahon is an examination of African-American women in rock. The book is not only a fascinating study of their achievements, but also illustrates their wide influence in the genre. From Big Mama Thornton and her original version “Hound Dog” to girl group...
Jun 11, 2021
In 2001, The National’s self-titled debut was released on Brassland, a label co-founded by band members Aaron & Bryce Dessner and Alec Hanley Bemis. Two decades later, under Alec’s guidance, Brassland has consistently boasted an adventurous roster that has included Bartees Strange, Hannah Georgas, Fusilier, Las...
Jun 4, 2021
Producer and guitarist BLKLN (pronounced Blacklion) says that he makes music like a visual artist. One listen to his avant-garde instrumentals and you'll swear you could lay your hands on them. His two EP’s on Cohrran Records (Speaking in snake tongue and Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the emperor of...
May 29, 2021
Singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Leo Sidran’s new studio album, The Art of Conversation, is a knowing wink to his interview podcast, The Third Story. In its 7th year, the podcast continues to celebrate the creative mind with long form conversations from the likes of Donald Fagen, Boz Scaggs, Butch Vig...and...